Black Summer Alpha

bad signal

Well, now. I guess we burned through the print runs on BLACK SUMMER #0 and BLACK SUMMER #1. Because I’m looking at a note here from Avatar saying that they’re releasing a composite book called BLACK SUMMER ALPHA, containing #0 and #1.

We warned everyone that they needed #0. Now, judging by my email,
we’re getting a lot of people coming back to look for the #0, or looking
to get onboard the series, and coming up short.

So here’s what I’ve been given: it won’t be listed in Previews until the
Nov issue, but it’s actually available for immediate order through Teh
Magic Ov Comics.

Retailers can place orders today and will have it in stores on October
24. In fact, retailers can call it in to Diamond right now, giving ref
Black Summer Alpha: code AUG078104. And you can give your
retailer that code and have them do it for you.


Additional note: Black Summer Alpha, containing #0 and #1, is only $2.99.

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