Welcome to the new avatarpress.com, our first original design since moving to wordpress back in January — and the first non-darkdesign for the site since 2000! Thanks to our chief mechanic Ariana Osborne for bringing the site back into the light with csstigiditation and other science.
You might have noticed Avatar has become involved in quite a few online endeavors lately — there are some incredible things going on at the Doktor Sleepless datashadow, FreakAngels will launch soon, and Whitechapel has already become an active community. Not to mention all the ways you can keep up with the latest Avatar doings at twitter, myspace, comicspace, and flickr. 2008 promises to be an even more active year for Avatar’s involvement on the web (and elsewhere!), with a couple as-yet unannounced projects set to launch over the next few weeks, and more to follow.
As for avatarpress.com, it’s going to start getting easier to find a lot more info on Avatar Press titles here, beginning with the Narcopolis and Gravel sections.
Of course, if you have other information or interview requests for your blog or press site, you can also contact marketing director David Marks, or talk to boss William Christensen for most other questions you may have about current or upcoming projects. You can also find William and myself regularly at Warren’s Whitechapel community.