Bookmarks for November 24th, 2008

  • Whitechapel – Grinder Food Challenge – Holidays are coming closer. Which means Cooking, Baking and other Food-Related insanity. Which lead me to the idea of Grinder Cookies, and Cakes, and other foods made into grinder symbols, or other Doc-related wackiness involving food items. I think we can beat headless santa cookies, and pained-looking gingerbread men. Gingerbread Grinders? Sugar cookie Shrieky Girls? – I'm sure there's a thousand or so things we can come up with that are not only neat looking, but also yummy!

    So here's the challenge: Incorporate the grinder symbol or something related to Dok Sleepless into a food item, photograph and write about it here.

    Grinders need snacks, too!

  • Atlantis Comics Online (FreakAngels Vol 1 review) – something nearly intangible makes this particular title stand out from his other current projects. There's an honest hunger behind this tale which opens the proverbial door to the reader and offers them entrance inside, seen in the calculated application behind every element of the story, from the flow of the plot to the in-depth explanations of the individual characters and their passions.
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