New This Week: Caligula Heart of Rome #4

David Lapham has created so many memorable Avatar books over the years. ?From Dan the Unharmable to Ferals to arcs on?Crossed, he always seems to find unique characters and situations that make for great reading. ?But certainly one of the most?visceral?and frightening has been his development of the demonic world of Caligula. ?Paired with painter German Nobile, the creative team has taken us to the darkest unholy places of ancient Rome. ?And his vision for the powerful entities controlling the forces of the empire has left a lasting impression on readers. ?This week Caligula: Heart of Rome #4 is new in stores and begins the roller coaster ride to the end of this unique series. ?Lapham’s Caligula is best described as “Spartacus meets the Exorcist” for its mix of violent, sex filled, horror.

Fans looking to experience something wholly unique should check out the Caligula Vol 1 TP and the ongoing Heart of Rome series in comic shops now.

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