New This Week: Crossed Badlands #27

Garth Ennis’ “The Fatal Englishman” story arc continues with horrifying consequences. ?As the men move closer to their objective, things begin to breakdown. ?Questions are raised and moral decisions are declared. ?The nearer the soldiers get to completion of their mission the closer they come to the final reckoning with the Crossed. ?Their solution is drastic and will leave a scorched husk where England once stood. ?Making their peace with the decisions that lead to this moment, they say their goodbyes and send the priest and his flock on their way. ?But will these last revelations spell salvation for them or damnation? ?Masterfully spun, this story will force you to look at things from different perspectives and will drag you to the ultimate Crossed conclusion… ?In a world run by homicidal monsters, there is no help. ?There is no hope. ?There is only the Crossed.

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