Avatar Press hits the road for the pop culture event of the year, San Diego Comic Con! ?Our featured guests at the show are:
The one and only, Max Brooks – New York Times Bestselling author of World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, and the new Avatar comic book series Extinction Parade. ?Max will be signing his books and comics as well as presenting an awesome panel:
Max Brooks Zombie Survival & Extinction Parade Insights, Friday, 7/19/13, 6:00p.m. – 7:00p.m., Room: 7AB
The master of all genres, George RR Martin – New York Times Bestselling author of Game of Thrones, Wild Cards, and the new Avatar comic series, Skin Trade. ?George will be signing his comics and trades as well as presenting an insightful panel:
George RR Martin Discusss the Skin Trade Adaptation, Sunday, 7/21/13, 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m., Room: 25ABC
Crime and television writer, Christos Gage – author of Absolution and Crossed: Badlands “Quisling” will be signing comics and talking about upcoming projects. ?Christos has been getting rave reviews on both his Crossed arc and his sequel to super powered vigilante tale of John Dusk. ?Find out first hand what his new projects are and make sure you check out his contribution to the Avatar panel:
Avatar Press?Vicious Comics & Wicked Creators, Thursday, 7/18/13, 11:30a.m. – 12:30p.m., Room: 4
Industry rabble-rouser, rumormonger extraordinaire, and comic book journalist, Rich Johnston will be on hand to sniff out stories, drink your vodka, and sign autographs on the newest issue of Bleeding Cool Magazine. ?Join Rich for his panel:
Rich Johnston’s Bleeding Cool Magazine Forum, Thursday, 7/18/13, 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m., Room: 32AB