Each week Decapitated Dan and the folks at www.comicrelated.com review the best of the best in horror comics in the Horror Comic Round Up. ?This week, two Avatar books were covered and received strong reviews:
Uber #5 – Dying Breath Rating – 5/5
This review is going to be easy to write…. GO READ THIS BOOK! If you need me to say more, fine I will but I ain’t spoiling nothing. This issue took this series above and beyond what I was expecting. No joke, I was thinking that it was going to take a right, and it took a hard left and left me sitting hear dying to see what comes next. All of this build for this big fight, and it happens, and oh the eyegasms began. White can draw the HELL out of some battle death scenes. Gillen seriously has me so hooked on this book. It just won’t stop slapping me in the face and demanding I read more and more. Now that you know all of that (not like I didn’t say it when I reviews issues #1-4) seriously… GO READ THIS BOOK! -?Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0
God is Dead #1 – Dying Breath Rating – 4/5
Hmmm…. I liked it, but I’m not really sure what to expect here. The way this issue started had me really excited, you have all of these “The End is Here” moments, and then some dude comes floating through the city and the Zeus lets you know he has had enough. However as the issue went on more Gods began showing up, so that is what is confusing to me. All of these mythological gods are popping up, so I am looking forward to more explanation on them and how they are all existing on the same world. I think it might be safer to say this came across better as a zero issue, because it was enough to get me excited, but not enough just yet to have me hooked. The artwork is fantastic, and it really shows in the 2 pages where a newscaster is talking. I really liked how that scene was done. Overall, I liked it, but I need to read more to know how much I like it. –?Dying Breath 4.0 out of 5.0
You can see all of the comics reviewed at this week’s round up here: ?http://comicrelated.com/news/22346/horror-comic-roundup
Uber #5 and God is Dead #1 are available from local comic shop retailers now.