Ask Your Local Comic Shop About C-Day 2015

Crossed75-regComic shop retailers are wrapping up their orders for Crossed: Badlands #75 right now and making their preliminary plans for what C-Day celebrations they will have.  If you are interested in being a part of this year’s celebration, make sure you ask your local comic shop what they will be doing for the event and for them to reserve a 20140724_205538copy of Crossed: Badlands #75 for you.

Some comic shops are having parties with homemade snacks – Crossed cupcakes and other creative treats.  Others are having sales for fans that show up dressed in Crossed costume.  And the most energetic are staging photo shoots and videos of the Crossed invasions of their stores.  Whatever your local shop is doing – you can be a big part of it by being a Crossed Comic Con Portugalambassador and helping to spread the infection.  By working with your comic shop you can help introduce other fans to the series and be a part of the yearly celebration of Garth Ennis’ brutal uncensored horror phenomena.

Remember to send your Crossed cosplay photos in and we will share them here, on Facebook, and on Twitter!  On April 15th, there is no help, there is no hope, there is only C-Day.

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