The say the future is wide open and ripe with possibilities. Well the people that say that clearly don’t live in a Crossed world. This June Crossed Wish You Were Here scribe Simon Spurrier steps into the Crossed +100 world created by the one and only Alan Moore. Moore hand selected Spurrier for the unenviable duty of picking up the story of Future Taylor from where Moore’s groundbreaking story leaves off.
Crossed fans have been captivated by Moore’s unique and incredibly detailed world in Crossed +100. Spurrier promises to take the story in a umique direction while maintaining the high standards of intricate detail and research that made the world such an incredible achievement. Of Spurrier’s ability, Moore had this to say:
“Si Spurrier attacks a concept with a ferocity that’s unlike that of anybody else, cracking its bones to see what the marrow tastes like and delivering something startling, dreadful, funny and heartfelt; something visceral and smart and crackling with original ideas. With his run on Crossed +100 he takes that skull-littered wilderness in a direction which is shocking, perfect, and one that I’d never have dreamed of in a hundred years. This, believe me, is going to be **** movie.” – Alan Moore
With an endorsement like that you can be sure Crossed +100 #7, out in June, will be one of the must read books of the season. Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy for you today.