Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 #6 Reveals the Secret

Crossed+100-6-regularAlan Moore put his own unique stamp on the Crossed universe with his epic reinvention of the property 100 years in the future with Crossed +100.  This week issue #6 arrived in comic shops and the reveal of the Crossed evolution is finally delivered.  For fans who have watched in Crossed+100-6-CrossedCulturegrowing horror as master story teller Moore built a world and made you care for the characters, this is the big payoff.  Future and her friends encounter the true machinations of the evolved Crossed and it will leave you devastated.

Crossed+100-6-OldcountryCGCStop by your local comic shop or ComiXology today and experience the conclusion to Moore’s powerful story.  Next month, Simon Spurrier takes over as the writer and drives the story into a frighting and unexpected direction.  After 100 years the misery of the Crossed endures.

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