Comics Alliance Covers Uber Invasion Kickstarter

22c60f6fa547169f15acef8d1f5d1c1f_originalComics sites everywhere are jumping in on the excitement of the Uber Invasion Kickstarter project.  Its easy to see that Kieron Gillen’s stark series about the extension of World War II through the development of enhanced super soldiers has captivated a large fan base.  Since the end of the first chapter there has been a steady din of chatter 5136cff98205c8edc6eba591e294eff9_originalasking for the return of this powerful narrative.  Now thanks to Kickstarter, the second chapter, Uber Invasion is set to arrive in just a few months.

Comics Alliance is the most recent site to cover the very successful project:

You can visit the Kickstarter page here to participate in the excitement of the return of Uber:

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