Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/5/16

This is the new Avatar Press item on sale at local comic shops Wednesday 10/5/16:

Crossed Badlands #100 Delux Collectors Set

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     This Deluxe Collector Box Set is full of ultra-rarities and is CrossedB100-CenturyBoxSetlimited to just 50 sets!  We start with all 15 covers offered here, including the Century and Costume Change Sets!  We then reach back through time and offer an extremely rare variant of the very first series,  Crossed #7 Pure Art.  Also from the first series, the original Crossed #1 signed poster edition with Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows signatures.  For the card collectors, we add in signature cards from Garth Ennis and Simon Spurrier.  It kicks into high gear with an original Crossed color sketch cover from Matt Martin!  To top it all off, an exclusive  Crossed: Badlands #100 Box Set Century cover featuring the original B&W art to the first cover Jacen Burrows ever drew!  This massive pile is limited to just 50 box sets!

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!



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