Don’t Miss Out on Crossed ComiXology Sale!

If you have been thinking about adding a truly horrifying series to your October reading, make sure you take advantage of the one-week only digital comics sale of Crossed issues on ComiXology going on right now!  This is an opportunity to get some of the most terrifying grueling uncensored horror tales every published.  But don’t delay…the sale only runs through Sunday 10/16!

This special bundle sale offers three different options for getting your fill of uncensored horror:


Crossed100n18-regCrossed +100 #1-18 (the full set!)  $24.99

CrossedWYWHVol1TPBCrossed Wish You Were Here Vol 1-4 (the full set) $24.99

Crossed75-regCrossed Badlands #75 – 100  $24.99




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