New Issue Preview: DICKS #6

The hilarious writer/artist team of Garth Ennis and John McCrea are at it again, in tomorrow’s release of Dicks #6!

We’ve met the Dicks duo before, Ivor and Dougie, the two would-be private detectives from Belfast. They’ve had many a misadventure, stealing from crimelords, antagonizing in-laws, and just generally pulling shenanigans in the seedy underworld. But now, directionless as they are unlucky, these two are headed to America as the newest music sensation… and the first stop on their gig is perhaps the most outlandish they’ve ever experienced (which is saying a lot). These two are going… to space.

Check out our preview below!

Written by one of Avatar’s chief architects, Garth Ennis (Crossed: Badlands, Stitched), with artwork by the ever-talented John McCrea (Hitman, The Demon), Dicks #6 is available tomorrow in two cover editions: Regular and Offensive (censored below to protect the faint of heart). Avatar also has a Classic Black-and-White edition available as an incentive to eligible retailers.

Dicks #1 Regular Edition
$3.99 US Retail, Diamond Item Code: MAY120909
Cover by John McCrea

Dicks #1 Offensive Edition
$3.99 US Retail, Diamond Item Code: MAY120910
Cover by John McCrea

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