With the return of Garth Ennis to Crossed with Crossed: Badlands #25, Avatar Press decided to emphasize the return with additional covers. And one very cool box set.
If you have been following the fans reaction the last 12 days on Avatar’s Facebook Page, you have seen how fans have been reacting to the various covers each day. Today, Avatar highlights their last cover, which is actually the cover for the Crossed: Badlands #25 Deluxe Collector Box Set. For $99.99 retail, this extremely limited set features the following:
- All 8 Crossed #25 covers, the Leather cover and the 2 Retailer Incentive covers
- A Special Crossed #25 VIP edition – that you can only get in this set
- A unique fully-painted original art cover by Ken Meyer on a copy of the Badlands #1 Sketch Edition – that you can only get in this set
- A complete set of all 6 rare promo cards from the Crossed Series 1 Trading Card Set
- A Crossed sketch card signed by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows – that you can only get in this set
If you want to get your hands on one of these rare collectibles (limited to only 250 sets) – or any of the other 11 copies – make sure to reserve them now. Retailers have to turn their initial orders in this Thursday, 1/24/12.