Christian Zanier Talks Crossed: Badlands #50

Crossed50_RegAs C-Day, March 26th approaches, the excitement around Garth Ennis’ return to the grueling horror franchise he created grows to a fever pitch. ?For months the idea of Ennis writing a “patient zero” story and potentially revealing key elements from the Crossed outbreak have tantalized the gore-starved readers of the series.

Crossed50_TortureChristian Zanier is handling the art chores on this groundbreaking story. ?Zanier’s art from the highly regarded “Quisling” story line from writer Christos Gage is a perfect fit to illustrate the soul crushing dread of the Crossed universe. ?And now, in anticipation of the horrors to come with the release of Crossed: Badlands #50, Zanier talks to our friends at Bloody Disgusting about just what to expect from the historic story line.

When asked about illustrating the horrors of Crossed, Zanier told Bloody Disgusting – “Nothing is off limits. I?m pretty open and nothing really shocks me. There are some things that I am a little bit uncomfortable with, but not extreme violence or the sexual content. Some things like the killing of babies can be a little bit much, but again in depends on how they are killed and in what context to the overall story. If it?s in the book then I?m not going to say, ?Oh my god this is disgusting and I?m not drawing this.? ?And after seeing his work on “Quisling” we know that Zanier can deliver a powerful human drama within a horrific setting like no other.

Check out the interview here: ??



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