This weekend March 15 & 16th Avatar Press will have a full slate of creators on hand for the London SuperCon. ?Set up at booth B-14, Avatar will have these great talents on hand to meet, greet, and sign autographs:
Max Brooks:? New York Times bestselling author of World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, and Extinction Parade. ?Avatar has a full range of exclusive comics and prints from Max’s projects that are perfect for autographing.
Simon Spurrier: ?Rising star and writer of Crossed: Wish You Were Here and the new webcomic Disenchanted.
Jacen Burrows: ?Horror artist supreme, illustrator of Crossed, Neonomicon, and other nightmares. ?Special prints and products exclusive to the show are available for autographs
Kieron Gillen: ?Well known for his groundbreaking run on Marvel’s Journey into Mystery and the new brutal war epic, Uber – Gillen is a true fan favorite. ?Exclusive prints and comics are available for autographing.
Stop by the comic con this weekend and enjoy talking with your favorite Avatar creators!