Final Chapters of Crossed “Thin Red Line” in April Previews

Crossed56-regular (2)Crossed fans everywhere have been following the story unfolding in Garth Ennis’ C-Day event that began with Badlands #50. ?In the pages of each issue we see the first hours of the Crossed plague unfolding and the pieces being put together about how the infection spread so quickly Crossed55-regular (2)across the globe. ?As the survivors attempt to understand what is happening they stumble upon several factors that point toward some kind of coordinated attack. ?And the Crossed disease itself continues to develop and become the rage driven horror that readers have come to recognize.

Garth Ennis is letting fans walk in the footsteps of the world Crossed55-Torture (2)as the end of civilization is introduced to an unsuspecting world. ?How far will the revelations go? ?Will we understand the nature of the virus and how it began? ?Will we find out if there is no cure? ?The answers await…in the pages of the last two issues of the “Thin Red Line” story arc in Crossed: Badlands #55 & 56 on sale in June. ?Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of these crucial issues for you.

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