Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/16/14

New Avatar Press items in comic shops on Wednesday 7/16/14:

Crossed: Badlands #57

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ??JUSTIN JORDAN is unleashed at Avatar with this arc of crossed-57-regularcrossed-57-tortureCrossed: Badlands! ?In a world full of homicidal maniacs, a select few have survived by being quiet and small. ?They’re the hiders, the meek that watch but never make a sound. ?But what kind of life is it when you watch everyone around you violated, mutilated, and eventually killed? ?It is enough to drive even the sanest person over the edge into madness. ?Available with Regular and Red Crossed covers by Christian Zanier,Torture cover by Tim Vigil, Wraparound cover by Gabriel Andrade, and Fatale Fantasy cover by Fernando Heinz.

Dicks: End of Time #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ??The Dicks are back, now as perhaps the worst masked heroes dicks-end-of-time-2dicks-end-of-time-2-classic-momentsthe World has ever seen! Fondly miss The Boys? Well, this won’t help much as GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have even less respect for heroes with Super Dicks! Join the boys as they return to their riotous roots with the new misadventures of Dougie and Ivor! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the comic shop, the Dicks are back for a new round of the most offensive misadventures imaginable. Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by McCrea.

God is Dead #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?JONATHAN HICKMAN’s vision for a world on the brink of god-is-dead-16god-is-dead-16-endofdaysdestruction under the whim of the divine continues. ?MIKE COSTA has increased the insanity as the Son of God returns to deliver an unexpected message. ?For centuries man has prayed for the Christian Savior to return… but in a world of divine conflict that prayer may be the undoing of the human race. Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

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