Max Brooks Declares War!

ExtinctionParadeWar1-regNew in comic shops today, the second chapter of Max Brooks’ dynamic Vampires versus Zombies story issues the call for all out war! ?The vampire race has finally come out of its self induced state of denial about the dire situation facing them. ?Extinction of the human race at the clawing ExtinctionParadeWar1-EndofSpecieshands of the subdead zombies means the destruction of the vampire race too. ?And now a species that has lived at the top of the food chain since its inception must fight, and scratch, and claw to learn what it means to struggle for survival.

Extinction Parade: War #1 is an over-sized and action packed introduction to this new chapter in one of the most ExtinctionParadeWar1-wrap - Copyimaginative horror series being published. ?This new issue is the perfect place to discover this frightening world and to expand the horrors that played out in the pages of Extinction Parade Vol 1 Tp.

Stop by your local comic shop today to find a copy of Extinction Parade: War #1!

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