These are the new Avatar Press comics hitting comic shops on Wednesday 3/25/15:
Crossed: Badlands #74
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: In the fatal conclusion to the arc, costumes and disembowelment are the order of the day as David Hine takes readers to a Japanese cosplay convention during the C-Day outbreak. A mob family tries to rescue their daughter before she can be turned by the grinning maniacs loose in the street. But in a Crossed world it doesn’t matter who you were before the outbreak, misery will find you. Available with Regular, Wraparound and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Fernando Heinz, a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale, and a Torture cover by Christian Zanier.
God is Dead #31
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A new chapter in the book of the divine is opened! In the aftermath of the Titans’ devastation, a new power arises. But as mankind attempts to recover from the misery and insanity of years of divine carnage, a new horror creeps over them. Can the shell-shocked population come to grips with the new state of the world or will this new insanity be the final straw that destroys the human race? Available with a Regular, End of Days, Iconic, and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, a special Enchanting cover by Gardenio Lima.
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