It is the beginning of convention season and the Avatar Press crew is packing up for a trip across the pond to London Super Comic Con! Publisher William Christensen will be introducing fans to the latest Avatar Press comics and projects in person. And the very special booth guest this year is Max Brooks. Max will be talking to fans and introducing them to Extinction Parade Vol 2 War TP collection. If ever you wondered how to survive a zombie apocalypse, Mr. Brooks is just the person to talk to and walk you through his zombie proofing ideas.
Comics superstar Garth Ennis is also headlining the event and will be signing comics for fans at the Avatar booth. Ennis has had an incredible run of fantastic stories this past year including Caliban, Rover Red Charlie, and War Stories. There will be opportunities to read all these incredible titles and talk to the creative mastermind behind them.
Simon Spurrier, the longtime scribe of Crossed: Wish You Were Here will be talking about all of his exciting upcoming Avatar comics as well. And he will be letting fans in on his next big collaboration with an industry giant!
Kieron Gillen has been lighting the comic scene up with his work on Uber. But lucky fans attending London Super Con will also be able to talk to him about his new sci-fi epic Mercury Heat, debuting on Free Comic Book Day and his highly anticipated run on Crossed: Badlands to kick off C-Day 2015!
For more information about London Super Con check their website at