April 15th is C-Day, the worldwide celebration day where fans and cosplayers descend upon local comic shops in support of the uncensored world of horror created by Garth Ennis. It’s a day for enjoying the terror of the crossed and this year we celebrate with a new arc from Uber scribe, Kieron Gillen. Crossed: Badlands #75 is the first issue of the “Homo Tortor” story arc which kicks off this year’s festivities.
Local comic shops will be having parties, introducing fans to the series with special sales, and encouraging cosplay in their stores. This is a chance to share the disease with your friends at the comic shop. Anyone who has thought about stepping into the word of Crossed will have a chance to find out what has made it the most terrifying series being published.
We encourage fans, cosplayers, and retailers to send in pictures of their revelry to share with all the Crossed faithful on Twitter @avatarpress and Facebook/Crossed. Please be enthusiastic to non-readers on C-Day but also respectful and aware of children. Crossed is extreme adult horror and we want to share the scares of this unique universe but also to make sure everyone enjoys their trip to the comic shop.