April 15th is C-Day, the day that comic shops worldwide celebrate Garth Ennis’ grueling horror series, Crossed! Fans of the the most terrifying uncensored horror series being published will flock to local comic book stores in their favorite Crossed cosplay costumes to help spread the word to fans who have yet to experience the horror.
To help introduce new fans to this nightmare world, Avatar is running a massive C-Day sale on digital copies of Crossed at ComiXology. Now through April 24th fans can purchase Crossed digital comics for up to 74% off!
There are two special bundle offers:
Mega Bundle #1 – includes 103 issues of Crossed (including the first issue of Alan Moore’s Crossed +100) for $99.99. This is an immersive introduction to Crossed that gives you the original series and every issue published beyond – including Family Values, Psychopath, Badlands, and annuals/specials.
2015 Bundle #2 – includes all 28 issues of Crossed published between last C-Day and today! This is the package that is perfect for fans that purchased the C-Day bundle last year as it supplies only the newest issues and doesn’t duplicate comics from the 2014 bundle.