Simon Spurrier Tackles Crossed +100

Crossed100n7-regularAlan Moore created a brand new timeline for Garth Ennis’ Crossed with his groundbreaking Crossed +100 series.  Set 100 years in the future it details the evolution of humanity and the Crossed themselves a century after the C-Day outbreak.  With the world defined and the first arc complete, Moore’s hand picked successor, Simon Spurrier, steps into the cruel future world with his first issue in comic shops now.

Crossed100n7-CrossedWiresSpurrier is known for his long form Crossed story – Wish You Were Here – which chronicled the life of Shaky and the misfit survivors of the island of Cava.  Now he takes the reins with Future Taylor and her fellow survivors as they begin a new chapter of horror dealing with Crossed that can control their impulses and organize.  The new installment takes the story in a brand new direction and enriches the already bloody vibrant world that Moore created.

Crossed100n7-DisasteredAsk your local retailer for a copy of Crossed +100 #7 in comic shops and available digitally on ComiXology now!

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