Avatar Press New to ComiXology 12/2/15

These are the new Avatar Press and Boundless Comics digital releases coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 12/2/15:

God is Dead #45

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Mike Costa has turned God is Dead into the most original GodisDead45_Regmythology mash up being published! After destroying Earth and civilization time and time again, the petty gods were finally take out of the picture and separated.Once they seeped back into the world the inevitable chaos
ensued… but as these beings were being recreated by the machinations of Satan they overlooked one possibility.That the ultimate deceiver would find a way to bring back God himself.




Scars GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Warren Ellis’ brilliant crime epic is collected in this 51UM9yoShSL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_incredible graphic novel. How much of a monster do you have to become to hunt monsters? John Cain has been working Homicide long enough to get hard to pretty much anything; even wrenching personal loss. But everyone has a limit, and today it’s gotten too much to bear. Today, he gets assigned something that finally breaks through his defenses — a child killing that hits horribly close to home. Until today, he’s been a good cop, a cop who goes by procedure because it’s the best way to ensure that scum go to prison. Now, he makes the parents of the victim a chilling promise: he will find the killer using any means necessary. And the killer will not get away with it — no matter what it takes!

Boundless Comics:

Webwitch #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The heat turns up in this giant-sized second issue!  Matt Webwitch2-regMartin’s Webwitch is a sexy horror tour de force that takes fans on a powerful thrill ride through of super-spies and sultry aliens! Nina has to deal with the curse of her alien DNA and now the fate of the creepy Spider-Nation and all of humanity rests upon her shoulders. We also continue the
full-color presentation of Tim Vigil’s Webwitch series!


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