In the third of the Avatar superhero trilogy of titles that includes Black Summer, No Hero, and Supergod, Warren Ellis gives us a terrifying glimpse into a world where the arms race focused on creating super humans instead of nuclear weapons. And the result is just as frightening as the prospect of nuclear annihilation. Each nation develops an uncontrollable monster that in some cases turns its wrath upon its very creators. This is Ellis at his best storytelling.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Praying to be saved by a man who can fly will get you killed! From Warren Ellis, the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY, comes the most horrifying superhero comic you’ll ever read! When scientists build messianic super-humans to save the world, no one thought about how these heroes would do it – or even if they’d want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow, when supermen kill us all and end the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself!
Stop by your local comic book shop to pick up this powerful graphic novel. You won’t be the same after reading it.