Fashion Beast – A Timeless Classic

FashionBeastTPBWhat happens when you pair the vision of comic book and musical geniuses?  In the mid 1980s, Malcom McLaren of the Sex Pistols would answer that question by working with Alan Moore to create a unique tale.  Fashion Beast is a story born of its era and of two creative masters.

FashionBeastHCFashion Beast would languish for nearly three decades before  coming to fruition at Avatar Press in 2013.  With Antony Johnston adapting the script and Facundo Percio delivering incredible illustrations, this series would become somewhat a time capsule telling a tale that though lost for years would find its place among the literary gems of the medium.

If you’ve not seen the unique spectacle of Fashion Beast – check with your local comics retailer or on Amazon to read a one of a kind dystopian fantasy story!

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