Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 3/19/14

New Avatar Press comics in stores Wednesday 3/19/14:

Crossed: Badlands #49

Crossed49regPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?DANIEL WAY?s horrific Crossed story concludes with the full misery of the worst of humanity unleashed. ?Dreaming of a way out of the world?s horrors usually only leads to a violent and devastating death at the hands of the infected. ?After years of careful Crossed49Tortureobservation and planning, that message falls upon deaf ears until the bitter end. ?Now the captain faces the rotten fruits of his labors and the gleeful hate in every Crossed monster. ?Available with ?Regular and Torture covers by Rafa Ortiz, ?Wraparound by German Erramouspe, and special Red Crossed Incentive cover.


Gravel: Combat Magician #2

Gravel02_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The new adventures of William Gravel continue! ?Pressed into military service after his release from prison, ?Gravel finds that much has changed since his incarceration. Not only has the Combat Gravel02_HorrorMagician program for which he once instructed been practically abandoned by the British S.A.S., but the recruits who graduated the program have been less than stellar applicants, and none of them properly trained. Meanwhile, one man has turned the Tokyo subway system into his own personal abattoir, and it appears to be done using combat magic! Available with a Regular cover by artist Gabriel Rearte, Wraparound, Horror and a Black Magic Order Incentive cover by Mike Wolfer.


God is Dead #9

GodisDead09_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Man?s hubris truly does know no bounds. ?Albert has negotiated a coalition of gods to turn their wrath upon Gaia in an attempt at breaking her hold on the world. ?But can his sight be truly that finite to not recognize the tsunami of misery his actions may bring down GodisDead09_EndofDaysupon the world? ?And as the titans prepare to battle for dominance, Ivy finds the shocking secret that turned a group of scientists into the gods that would inherit the earth. ? ?MIKE COSTA turns the intensity and darkness up a notch with his dramatic new stories about humanity at the brink. ?Available with not only a Regular cover but also anEnd of Days cover, Iconic, and Gilded Order Incentive copies by Jacen Burrows and a special Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile.


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