Garth Ennis Spins War Stories

Garth Ennis has told some of the most critically acclaimed war stories ever presented in the comic book format. ?In this month’s August Previews Avatar debuts a new ongoing series that allows the master storyteller to express the terror and horrors of warfare throughout the ages.












PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Garth Ennis’ War Stories find a new home at Avatar with the launch of this ongoing monthly! ? Pulling tales from real conflicts throughout modern history, this series is where a master storyteller brings the horrors of war to life in comics. ?Ennis travels the timeline to pull some of the most harrowing tales of valor and bloodshed from history?s most violent battles with his trademark wit and spot-on dialogue to show the humanity within the inhuman horrors. ?The first story is Castles in the Sky, a tale of early bomber pilots and their incredibly difficult missions. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Good Girl Nose Art, and Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of this latest masterpiece. ?Garth Ennis’ War Stories #1 is on sale in October.

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