David Lapham Returns to Crossed

Crossed62-regIn comic shops today, the latest installment of Garth Ennis’ grueling horror survival world continues with a tale from one of the most terrifying storytellers in the Crossed universe. ?David Lapham, writer of the Crossed: Psychopath and Crossed: Family Values story-lines, returns to Crossed with a vengeance and a new long format story that is told before and after the Crossed outbreak.

Gavin Land was a regular guy?-?father, a husband, a suburbanite – before the world ended. ?But before the first infection, a different kind of monster defiled?and killed his Crossed62-Torturedaughter, destroyed his family, and tortured him with what had been done. ?Land changed into a messenger of vengeance and lived only to kill the people that had done this to him. ?When the Crossed outbreak hit, it made it both easier and harder for his vision of revenge to be seen through. ?Now he has to fight through a world of maniacs but the upside is that none of them care if he is an insane, murdering, madman now.

Crossed: Badlands #62 begins the new arc and is available today.

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