Start C-Day With Crossed Vol 12 TP

CrossedVol12-TPBC-Day is coming up on Wednesday April 15th!  But if you want to prepare yourself for the horror, stop by your local comic shop this weekend and check out Crossed Vol 12!  David Lapham spins another twisted tale in the vein of Psychopath and Family Values.  In this story a father is pushed beyond the limits of sanity when first his daughter is killed and then his entire life is destroy by a powerful pornographer and drug dealer.  Gavin Land is sent to CrossedVol12-Hardcoverprison but the misery doesn’t end there as his life is systematically shredded and shoved in his face.  Somewhere in there he cracks and begins a long game to track down and murder everyone that ruined his life.  And a little thing like a million Crossed maniacs between him and revenge isn’t going to stop him.

This is a tale of vengeance that will stick with you for a long time.  Check out the new Crossed Vol 12 collection and start your own quest to be a part of C-Day next week!

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