Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/29/15

These are the new Avatar Press items on sale in comic book shops this Wednesday, 7/29/15:

Crossed: Badlands #81

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     A new story arc “The Lesser of Two Evils” written and Crossed81-Regillustrated by Mike Wolfer begins here!   Sometimes a group of people can be too clever for their own good.  When a motley band of commuters are stranded on a partially collapsed overpass they soon discover that the situation may be a blessing.  With the Crossed unable to reach them, Crossed81-Torture they seem relatively safe.  But are forced to see the horrors playing out all around them.  But in a Crossed world, safety is an illusion that is oft shattered in horrific fashion. Available with Art Deco Limited Edition by Michael DiPascale, Regular and a special Red Crossed Incentive Cover  by Christian Zanier, Wraparound by Nahuel Lopez and Torture cover by Raulo Caceres.  Also, starting this issue, there is a special C-Day Worldwide cover by Facundo Percio that looks at the first day of the outbreak in different countries and locations around the World!

Crossed: Badlands #82

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      After admitting two women into their defensible stronghold Crossed82-regatop a collapsed bridge, an uneasy alliance of survivors discovers just how the women successfully navigated through the horrors on the ground below- They followed the advice of their “bible,” a best-selling, “zombie survival Crossed82-Tortureguide” novel. Fiction or not, the book could be the answer to saving all of their lives in the wasteland ruled by the maniacal Crossed! Available with Regular Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound& Torture Covers by Raulo Caceres, C-Day Worldwide Cover by Facundo Percio, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier

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