Avatar Press San Diego Exclusives On Sale Preview Night!

As the doors open today for the first time on San Diego Comic Con 2015, the running of the fans is set to begin.  Everyone has mapped out their priorities for getting those first exclusives of the con and many will be coming to the Avatar Press booth #2701 to get their hands on some very limited comics.  Stake your claim to these books and be sure to come back to get Kieron Gillen’s autograph on Uber, Crossed: Badlands, and Mercury Heat!

Mercury Heat #1 SDCC: limited to 350 copies ($9.99) 

MERCURY-HEAT_01_SDCC-600x911For those who have been waiting impatiently for Kieron Gillen and Omar Francia’s newest created sci-fi epicMercury Heat, as teased in the FCBD issue, you’ll be able to get the first issue of the series as a SDCC variant.


Providence #2 Weird Pulp: limited to 1000 copies ($9.99) 

Providence02-WeirdPulp-600x917Remember when issue #1 of the series was released as a Denver Comic Con variant? Well now you can complete a variant set of #1 and #2 of Alan Moore andJacen Burrows’new Lovecraft inspired tour de forceProvidence.


Uber #25 Brickhouse: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Uber25-Brickhouse-600x933Kieron Gillen is starring in many of these exclusives, so dig in. This time it’s Uber #25, limited to only 350 copies.


Crossed #75 School Day cover: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Crossed75-SchoolDay-600x927Kieron Gillen and Rafa Ortiz on Crossed #75, which initiated the Homo Tortor plotline taking us from the time of the outbreak far, far into human pre-history.


And for folks that can’t make it to the event, Avatar has kept a small number of books aside to sell to fans via http://www.comcav.net/collections/avatar-2015-convention-exclusives.

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