Fans of David Lapham have an awesome library of Avatar Press trades to read. His works run the gamut from incredibly disturbing as in Crossed: Psychopath to uniquely quirky in Dan The Unharmable. But one of his most horrifying titles was the supernatural fright fest of Caligula.
In Caligula and Caligula Vol 2: Heart of Rome, we meet Felix, an unlucky peasant boy who falls under the thrall of the demon. Felix seeks revenge for the brutal slaying of his family, but he finds even more atrocities by the side of the possessed emperor. And when the time comes for his final vengeance…something more than earthly desire compels him.
If you have not read these volumes, they are a must have addition to your Avatar Press collection. Lapham is unparalleled in his ability to disturb and these stories will have you reading them with the lights on at night. Stop by your local comic shop or find the collections on Amazon today.