Summer Reading – Crossed Vol 1

CrossedTPBIt is summer time and folks are looking for good books to relax with on a day at the pool or from your vacation at the beach.  Today we are talking about the original horror of Garth Ennis’ Crossed.  There have been so many brutal visions from this series that sometimes we forget where it began.  Those powerful initial images of violation and of monsters like “Horsecock” that have become part of the lore.

700px-Horsecock_crossedBut take a moment to consider Crossed Vol 1 TPB as a great read for summer time.  It is like that rare horror movie gem that you revisit after years and find still has the same powerful punch from the first time you read it.  This is where it all began.  Garth Ennis expertly maps out the world and the disease for all to see in its bloody glory.

Crossed Vol 1 TPB can be found at your local comic shop, on Amazon, or digitally from ComiXology and

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