Uber Invasion Lands on Kickstarter!

22c60f6fa547169f15acef8d1f5d1c1f_originalSince the end of the first Uber arc last year, one question has persisted…”when will Uber Invasion arrive?”  I’m happy to announce that the question has finally been answered!

Uber Invasion, the highly anticipated sequel is here and 16b85a09f248f0b68a32cf4af5544a2f_originallaunching on Kickstarter starting today!  Kieron Gillen returns to tell the second horrifying chapter in the series which begins with a full-scale invasion of the USA.  There is nothing like the alternative history chronicle of Uber in all of comics.  This series is horrifying in every aspect from the global scale of destruction to the personal loss and terrors of the individuals in the story. 2c5f7507e499fa5938d1dc8e870c62b6_original Uber is moving and powerful and unforgettable.

Stop by the Kickstarter and let Kieron Gillen tell you in his own words why this masterpiece is so important and how you can be a part of making it come to fruition.


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