Avatar Powerhouse Trades in May Previews

The May Previews catalog features two powerhouse trade paperbacks from New York Times bestselling authors Max Brooks and George R.R. Martin. ?July is shaping up to be a major month for graphic novels in comic shops and on Amazon as two titans of tales deliver creepy works of horror fiction.

ExtinctionParade-vol-1 (2)First up is the Extinction Parade TP collecting the full first chapter of Max Brooks’ Vampires vs. Zombies epic! ?The World War Z and Zombie Survival Guide scribe has something more to say about the mortal conflict of the undead in his series. ?We see the vampire race as little more than entitled bloodthirsty children who have never had adversity to knock them down a few pegs. ?But as they slowly start to realize that extinction of the human race means annihilation of their parasitic way of life, a new fire of fury and fear begins to burn for the bloodsuckers. ?Join in the despair as the battle for the fate of humanity begins here.


GRRMSkinTrade-tpb George R.R. Martin is widely known for the hugely successful A Game of Thrones series on HBO. ?His novels are always New York Times bestsellers and he has become the most prolific of fantasy writers in the industry. ?Fans of GRRM’s work are very excited to finally see his World Fantasy Award winning story, Skin Trade, adapted into comics format. ?Skin Trade is a psychological supernatural mystery that grabs you by the scruff of the neck and doesn’t let go. ?This is an old school who dunnit werewolf story but with a modern twist. Horror fans are excited to see the adaptation that features the art of long time horror creator and icon, Mike Wolfer.

Ask your local comic book retailer to reserve copies of these two powerful horror trades today!

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